Monday 21 July 2014

Blackcurrant Dragon Nightmare

I have booked an afternoon off work tomorrow, so I can take Kate over to Tatton Park with our entries. The only problem is I don't know what to take. Nothing looks ready for showing, and I think I would rather just eat most of it.
I may end up taking just some blackcurrants :(
Last night I had a nightmare, in which I had to find 250 equally sized blackcurrants (they later turned out to be blackcurrant dragon eggs, that hatched, but thats a whole different issue).
The cause of this episode I think was Kate's instruction "we need 200-250 blackcurrants", she completely thought that she said "grammes of" after that sentence, but she really didn't.
I'm not sure that I am cut out for all this stress. Isn't allotment growing supposed to be relaxing?
I guess it will be okay on the day. I'm glad Kate will be having the afternoon off too, so I am able to share the load.
My mantra for the day;  "It's only vegetables, we can always just cook them"
Wish me luck!

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